Neue Schule

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    Although single jointed, this bit is ergonomically designed to eradicate the ‘nutcracker’ action and consequent problems that the traditional straight-armed single jointed snaffle often causes. The cleverly curved mouthpiece prevents it from moving too far forwards in the mouth reducing pressure on the thinner more sensitive part of the tongue. It sweeps slightly away from the corner of the lip to lessen any chance of rubbing and the curvature down towards the bars achieves a gentle more even weight bearing surface. This design is very beneficial for horses that back off or only offer an intermittent contact or for the very rare occasion when a horse does not find a lozenge comfortable.
  • Make the first start the right start –establish the basics. The Starter is designed to promote acceptance and confidence in the contact. It is a common misconception that mouthing should be encouraged, when in fact it is quiet, relaxed acceptance we are aiming for. A gentle bit that encourages the horse to stretch the top line forwards and down into a soft consistent contact.
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    The Team Up is the ergonomically modernised French Link; a much more comfortable mouthpiece that promotes better performance all round. This lozenge is designed to share the tongue contact area with the adjacent loops to give a smoother feel over the tongue. The double joint allows more flexibility ensuring a clearer and more independent rein aid.
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    This combination of Baucher cheek and NS Tranz mouthpiece usually helps the rider to achieve and maintain a rounder and more correct outline. If your horse is constantly resisting, strung out or coming above the bit the usual response to the NS Tranz Baucher is a head lowering action and softer feel through the rein. This design often proves beneficial for the over sensitive mouth. Highly recommended where help is needed for straightness and directional control.
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    The NS Tranz Universal offers control without discomfort or severity. It is brilliant for faster work such as jumping as you can turn much more easily. The Universal also helps to eliminate the head toss when asking for a downward transition, or shortening in between fences. If you need to upgrade from a snaffle, it is highly recommended as it offers varying degrees of control. Also an excellent training tool prior to introducing the doubles for employing two reins and a curb strap.
  • The NS Tranz Beval is often sourced for horses or ponies that are strung out or poke their nose. Especially useful for the child or novice rider who does not possess either the technique or strength in the leg to achieve and maintain a correct round outline. Also helps with turning and downwards transitions. Popular in the show ring.
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    If your horse is tentative into the contact (inconsistent), the NS Tranz Eggbutt offers the stability within the mouth needed to boost the horse’s confidence encouraging it to seek the bit, taking the rein forwards. Very beneficial for short tense necks and excellent for directional control. Unlike traditional Eggbutt designs, combining this NS cheek and NS Tranz mouthpiece, feel and response is not lost and the horse is far less likely to lean and fix against the hand.
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    Excellent for directional control and tight turns during faster work as the mouthpiece will not slide across the mouth when turning. It is also safer for young horses, especially when introducing to road work, as it should not pull through the mouth in a panic situation. Highly beneficial for children or novice riders who may not be sufficiently experienced in supporting their inside rein. The upper cheeks may be fixed to the cheek pieces with Fulmer Loops in order to stabilise the mouthpiece.
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    The NS Tranz mouthpiece is ergonomically designed for both comfort and communication. A very popular comfortable mouthpiece that promotes feel and responsiveness encouraging a soft sustainable contact. Our short link NS Tranz Angled Lozenge is aligned, uniquely, at 20° to the bore axes of the cheeks. When a contact is taken, the smoothly profiled lozenge and loops press gently down onto the centre of the tongue thus a higher level of communication through the rein is achieved. The more pressure – sensitive side areas of the tongue are thus relieved and the thicker less pressure-sensitive area is brought into play. The double joint allows more flexibility ensuring a clearer and more independent rein aid.
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    The NS Tranz Universal offers control without discomfort or severity. It is brilliant for faster work such as jumping as you can turn much more easily. The Universal also helps to eliminate the head toss when asking for a downward transition, or shortening in between fences. If you need to upgrade from a snaffle, it is highly recommended as it offers varying degrees of control. Also an excellent training tool prior to introducing the doubles for employing two reins and a curb strap.
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    Turtle Tactio Specifically engineered to accommodate the larger or sensitive tongue. Often negates the need to shut the mouth. This bold TongueSMART design focuses rein pressure to the central part of the tongue whilst diverting pressure away from the sensitive regions near the bars. The unique central Turtle link brings the proximal ends of the cannons to their closest separation possible. The Flex concept of widening the surfaces that lie parallel to the plane of the tongue reduces the pressure further. With any kind of noseband the closed mouth easily accommodates the mouthpiece whose effective thickness in the region of the interdental space is the smallest in the Neue Schule range. To reward horses that want to work with you.XSmall - 108mm - 118mm (4.25"-4.6")Small - 118-128mm (4.6"- 5")Medium - 128-138mm (5" - 5.4")Large - 138-148mm (5.4" - 5.8") XLarge - 148-158mm (5.8" - 6.2")XXL - 158-168mm (6.2" - 6.6")
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    Turtle Tactio Specifically engineered to accommodate the larger or sensitive tongue. Often negates the need to shut the mouth. This bold TongueSMART design focuses rein pressure to the central part of the tongue whilst diverting pressure away from the sensitive regions near the bars. The unique central Turtle link brings the proximal ends of the cannons to their closest separation possible. The Flex concept of widening the surfaces that lie parallel to the plane of the tongue reduces the pressure further. With any kind of noseband the closed mouth easily accommodates the mouthpiece whose effective thickness in the region of the interdental space is the smallest in the Neue Schule range. To reward horses that want to work with you.XSmall - 108mm - 118mm (4.25"-4.6")Small - 118-128mm (4.6"- 5")Medium - 128-138mm (5" - 5.4")Large - 138-148mm (5.4" - 5.8") XLarge - 148-158mm (5.8" - 6.2")XXL - 158-168mm (6.2" - 6.6")


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