Baileys conditioning mix is a cereal feed. A complete conditioning mix for gaining weight and condition. Highly digestible, oat free, high oil, yea sacc. A non gm food for horses at rest or in light, moderate or hard work. Use On: Horses and ponies Contains: Micronised Wheat, Grass Meal, Micronised Barley, Distillers Grain, Molasses, Wheatfeed, Micronised Maize, Micronised Soya, Micronised Peas, Soya Oil, Dicalcium Phosphate, Vitamins and Minerals, Calcium Carbonate, Heat Processed Linseed, Soya Hulls, Soya Bean Meal, Sodium Chloride, Calcined Magnesite, Yea-Sacc1026 yeast culture, Lysine, Methionine, Digest Plus prebiotic (ScFOS). Extra Features: Top Line Conditioning Mix (or Cubes) will be more efficient promoters of weight gain than adding straights to a low energy mix. Ideal fed on its own, although chaff and/or sugar beet can be added if desired. Packaging: 20 kg